Wednesday 31st March 2021
Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing is encouraging schools, kindergartens, childcare centres, Scouts, Girl Guides, and youth groups in Eastern Victoria to apply for grants up to $5,000 for biodiversity projects in our local community.
Ms Shing said up to $450,000 in funding for the 2021 Victorian Junior Landcare and Biodiversity Grants is available to help young people protect our precious environment.
These grants will fund projects that boost biodiversity through the development, improvement, or restoration of habitat for Victoria’s native plants and animals.
Grants are also available for programs that engage or educate young people to value and actively care for Victoria’s natural environment.
Now in its fourth year, the Andrews Labor Government has provided over $1.2 million for 350 projects across the state in that time.
Past projects include the butterfly habitat created by Cire Children’s Service and Kindergarten in Chirnside Park, the restoration of Gembrook Park by Gembrook Primary School, Narracan Primary School’s project to make their school a home for flora and fauna and the restoration of endangered plains grassy woodlands by St Pauls Anglican Grammar School, Traralgon.
The grants are delivered by Landcare Australia as part of their Junior Landcare program, in partnership with the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning.
For more information about how to apply, visit juniorlandcare.org.au/grant/2021-victorian-junior-landcare-and-biodiversity-grants
Quotes attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing
“I encourage local schools, kindergartens, childcare centres, scouts, guides, and youth groups in Eastern Victoria to apply for a grant.”
“Young people in Eastern Victoria will get hands-on experience and learn about the world beyond the classroom.”